Dear all,
I am pleased to tell you that we have already set-up the messageboard. :) However, we will only send private invitations to union reps once we have completed gathering all union reps' contact info. This is because we want to follow and strictly implement the 1-week notification, 2-weeks discussion and 1-week voting rule, as stated in the constitution. I hope everyone understands. :)
Currently, we only have the contact info of 11 institutions. These are: ADMU, DLSU, IMU, Mahidol, NTU, NUS, SMU, UI, UST, UPM and UPD. May we therefore request for the e-mail addresses of the following institutions' union reps so that we can already start asap:
Assumption, Atma Jakarta, Atma Yogya, BNU, CSB, EWU, IIU, IIU Mat, ITB, IIU Medicine, Padjadjaran, San Beda, Siliman, STTT, Taman Harapan, UGM, UKSW, UNY, UPI, USM, USU.
Lastly, it was brought to our attention that no Indian institution would have any votes in the coming online union session. This is because they weren't able to send participants during the ITB AUDC. The exco has reviewed the constitution and we arrived at this conclusion: (a) only institutions that could vote during the ITB Union Session can vote during the online Union Session. This means that only institutions that sent participants who paid the reg fee, which would serve as our membership fee) to ITB--whether as observers, adjudicators, or debaters--can vote during our online union session. (b) however, institutions that don't qualify for a vote but have a stake in the online discussions (because they plan to attend the IIU AUDC or for other reasons) *will be allowed* to participate in the online union session discussions. They will *not* have a vote, but they can make their voices heard.
If you are one of those institutions- -those who can't vote, but would like to participate- -please ask your proposed representative to send an e-mail to our Deputy Chair, Mark Cordiner (mjcordiner@gmail. com). Please include in your e-mail what university you are representing and why you'd like to participate in the online discussions.It is important that you give us the e-mail address of your union rep because our message boards are locked. Only those that gave us their e-mail address will be sent an invitation.
Our deadline for starting the online union discussions was supposed to be this week
(ending Sunday, dec. 2) but due to problems with getting the contact info of union reps, we are extending that deadline to Dec. 8. Hopefully, with your cooperation, we can finish well before then. :)
Thank you very much everyone!
Estelle Osorio
Chair, Asian Universities Debating Executive Committee
Email: hunichi@yahoo.com
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