Dear all,
The goal of this championship is to invite the best & brightest students to participate at the highest levels of competitive parliamentary debate in the nation. In doing so they will gain valuable tournament experiences that can be added to their debate resumés when applying for positions on the National Team Pool.
KHSDC will follow the World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) parliamentary format for competing and judging. Each debate has two teams with one called the Proposition (Government) and the other called the Opposition. Each team has three debaters who must speak once and then either their first or second speaker can present a final reply speech. During their first speeches the opposing team can attempt to interrupt by offering ‘Points of Information’ but cannot do so during the reply speeches.
The debate is between teams, not individuals. Each team member has a specific part of the team case to present, and must also attack the other side and defend the team from attack. Each team must persuade the audience that its argument is superior. To do this it must present sound logical arguments, it must present them in an interesting and persuasive speaking style, and it must structure and prioritise its arguments. All three aspects of debate are given emphasis. This competition does not encourage just pure argument or pure rhetoric on their own, but an effective blend of both.
The issues that will be debated at KHSDC will derive from the relationship between the governing topic and the motion. Debaters must develop their case from a reasonable interpretation of the pertinent issues originating from the spirit of the motion within the context of the topic. Answering the question: “What would any ordinary intelligent person reading the motion think that it is about?” would be a good beginning towards understanding that relationship and determining the issues that both teams are expected to debate.
KHSDC will offer the motions for debate in two ways. Firstly the topics and motions for the Prepared Rounds are revealed herein so that teams may prepare in advance of the tournament. Teams will have to prepare for both sides, Proposition and Opposition, because their ‘power-matched’ pairing will be announced shortly before the debate round commences. Secondly 3-motions in 1-topic area are released 1-hour prior to the beginning of the Impromptu Rounds and teams will have to choose which motions they wish to debate according to selection standards established by the All-Asians Intercollegiate Debate format.
Rashedul Hasan Stalin
Sourse: http://khsdc.com/
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