Dear Debate Community,
I would like to apologize for not updating the KHSDC website as stated earlier
because I need some extra time to finalize all the components needed for a successful
Registration will be delayed a week and motions will be released 7 weeks before
the tournament to ensure that all interested parties have enough time to get their
forms together.
KHSDC IV Registration: December 10 - 28 5 pm
A download-able package with forms, instructions, and guidelines will be at
www.khsdc.com on Monday night after 9 pm. I have received several e-mails concerning registration and will address those collectively:
On Finding Judges:
Yes we are working with the university debate community towards creating a system for
you to find judges and such information will be ready by the weekend;
On Cost:
The tournament fee is 150,000 KRW per debater. Dormitories are 76,000 KRW per debater. Meals are 30,000 KRW per person which means that adjudicators, or the teams they are paired with, will be asked to pay for their meals. Coaches, not participating as adjudicators, will be charged full event fees. Adjudicators, Liaisons, and Organisational staffs will have their lodgings paid for by
KHSDC. Special considerations will be given on a case-by-case bases for those
wishing to have an overnight's stay as an Observer. Please contact me directly for more detailed information.
On Institutional Cap:
It has not been determined how many teams from each school will be automatically
accepted into the championship because I have yet to determine how many institutions are willing to participate. You can well imagine the difficulties if 21 schools send applications with the expectation that their first 2 teams are in the tournament. So that is why I am asking Liaisons to share how many teams they wish to send before establishing the cap. I have not received notification from all the Liaisons as to how many teams they can field and so cannot speculate how many teams will be automatically eligible while others wait.
If those remaining Liaisons continue their silence then I will only accept 1
registration form per institution, with the 6-teams and 6-adjudicators listed, and will fill the tournament between 5:05 and 9:00n pm on December 28th. Basically, you can list 6-teams per school but there are no guarantees at this point as to how many of them will get in.
On In-House Team Selection:
My process: First Cut: 1-page essay answering "Why I need KHSDC IV". Second Cut:
Auditions: 1-on-1 impromptu debate on a current issue adjudicated by an outside
panel of 3-judges. The ranking is based on the total of 'Speaker Points' (re: KHSDC
Rules, www.khsdc.com). The third and final cut/ranking comes from team-on-team debates as well as my personal experiences with coaching the students. Then the bad news is sent out as the registration form is filed and the wait begins.
On Qualifying Standards for Ranking In-House Teams:
That differs depending on the goals of your students. Do they want the school to
bring home a trophy? Do they want a prize? Do you want either or would you balance the experienced/rookie debaters? If there are only 2 teams allowed then I would offer my most experienced senior team and an up-incoming rookie team, then rank the next teams downwards according to previously mentioned criteria.
Once all pre-registration forms are collected on the 28th, and the tournament filled, Liaisons will be notified how many of their teams will be accepted into KHSDC
IV.Fees will need to be paid on January 2-3-4 with the Motions being released on Friday the 4th at 11 pm.
Thank-you for your questions, concerns, and understandings. All be ready soon...
Ian M. Yovdoshuk
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