Dear all,
Contribute to PEACE on Debatepedia! The Debatepedia is the International Debate Education Association's (IDEA) wiki of debate and reasoning. It is a user-generated site with over 3,000 articles from contributers around the globe. At IDEA, we've partnered with WUPID and started a "Peace Tournament" category on Debatepedia so that the discussion of peace, tolerance and understanding can continue longer after you've left the tournament. Getting involved is simple: create a free account on Debatepedia, visit the CIMB WUPID page on Debatepedia (link below), and start contributing! If you are a debater or adjudicator and have ideas about peace or topics that you'd like to tell others about, create a Debatepedia page, and list it in the category "Peace Tournament" so your colleagues can see it and help improve it.
If you are an NGO Peace Roundtable participant or a debater interested in creating statements or policy drafts to disseminate, simply create a new Debatepedia page (category: Peace Tournament), let your colleagues know the link, and you'll be ready to begin your activism even if your co-authors are on several different continents. IDEA is making the tools available to you and hopes that you find them useful, but the content is yours - so help continue the discussion started at WUPID!
Alex Dukalskis
IDEA Program Coordinator
phone from Korea: 02.2648.7611
phone from outside Korea: (+82) 2.2648.7611
Source: http://wiki.idebate.org/
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