Dear all,
A debater, even an old one, might spend his/her entire life debating without even knowing that (s)he debates in an improper way. Finding a reliable guidance can be really hard, especially in such a competitive atmosphere of the Indonesian debating world. Everyone is thirsting for achievement and experiences that it¢s so unlikely that they would spare a second telling you what to say in your casebuild and 7 minutes of your speech time.
Fortunately, there¢s a party that¢s aware of this inconvenient circumstance and taking a step further to bring an enlightenment to all debater facing that particular issue. Providing a leisure time of casebuilding and evaluation together with experienced coaches, guaranteeing a level of debate you might never have experienced before, are just some of the advantages we are offering here in EDS UGM DEBATE OPEN 2007.
EDS UGM DEBATE OPEN 2007 will help you to to learn and refine debating skills through the sharing skill from prominent and well-experienced debater. We will use Asians Parliamentary Style (7 minutes substantive speech, 4 minutes reply speech, POIs are encouraged). There will be 5 preliminary rounds and 1 Grand Final round. In the end of the competition we will anounce several awards: Champion, Runner-Up, and Top 3 Best Speakers, and Best Coach.
Saturday-Sunday, 15-16 December 2007
Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences (MIPA), South Campus, Jl. Raya Kaliurang Km.2 Sleman Yogyakarta
Rp. 250.000/team, It will cover meals during the competition, certificates, Trophy and prizes.However, you need to cover transportation and accomodation by your own, but we warmheartedly will assist you with any queries regarding the local transportation and accomodation.
So far, respective coaches from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Univeraitas Indonesia (UI), UNIKA Atma Jaya Jakarta, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN), and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) have provisionally confirmed their participation in this events.
Enthusiastically, we also proud to pronounce that the Chief of Adjudicator (CA) and some of the selected Deputy Chief of Adjudicators of the upcoming IVED -- as the largest national scale debate competition -- are willing to spare their time and wholeheartedly dedicate it to become coach in this event. Thus we promise you to experience the most prestigious and advantageous event in the local debate calendar. Soon, we are going to release the fixed list of coaches along with their credentials to ensure the quality of the tournament.
We are going to extend the usual casebuiding time from 30min into 45 min to ensure the maximum effect of coaching. In the debate, your coach would adjudicate your team (of course with another neutral/non-coach adjudicator) to provide you constructive feed back towards your team's performances.
See you in EDS UGM Debate Open 2007.
See you in Yogyakarta
Warm Regards
Source: Indodebaters
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