Dear all,
The NTU Model United Nations is back!Bigger and better than ever before, with more councils in session and more exciting social events, it is an opportunity you don't want to miss out on.
Dates: Feb. 1st -3rd @ Nanyang Exec. Centre
What is it?
Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations focusing on communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy. Participants (you!) research on a country, take on a role as a diplomat, investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult and then develop solutions to world problems.
Why should you take part?
The NTU-MUN 2008 will have participation from over 250 people from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and India!! So, it is an opportunity for you to discuss and debate issues, that are relevant to the world today, with people from across the region!
You are the potential leaders of tomorrow and this is an opportunity for you to step into the shoes of the world's decision makers. NTU-MUN provides an unparalleled opportunity for you to enhance your argumentative skills and get a broad understanding of global issues and affairs.
At the end of the event, awards will be given for best Country, best Delegate etc, decided by the chair of the Council.Hence, this can also be viewed as a competition by some budding debaters to excel in the council.
Moreover the exciting Socials provide you with an opportunity to network, and make friends with your peers from all over!
How to Register?
To register and for further information, please visit us at www.ntumun.com
We look forward to seeing you at NTU Model United Nations 2008.
Feel free to contact us with any queries.
Shantanu Singh
Liaison Officer
email: ntumun2008@gmail.com
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