Dear all,
As a B-School, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management(IIPM) is unique. IIPM wants to contribute to the creation of a movement, backed by proper education and research which will create a society where exploitation of man by man does not exist, where each individual has the scope to achieve his / her potential to the
fullest extent. In other words, universal humanism is the social vision of IIPM.
Keeping in line with this vision, we at The IIPM, Bangalore presented The Global Youth Debate Conclave that brought forth forceful and wide ranging discussion and debate on issues that concerned the world today in March of 2007. This 2007 Edition
addressed the Millennium Development Goals.
The Global Youth Debate Conclave brought together the finest debating talent from Bangalore and across India as well as abroad. There were three rounds of fierce Individual and team face off debating judged by the best in the business—Mr. Rishikesh Chhabra(Communications Director, WUDI) and Mr. Francis from Toast Masters International. The Conclave also had participants from the East Asian countries of Sri Lanka and Mauritius. The best debater was Abhinav from the Mahaveer Jain college who walked away with prizes worth Rs.20,000 and a magnificent shield.
GYDC 2008 Edition : Climate change and its worldwide impact
The 2008 Edition Global Youth Debate Conclave focuses on opening up an interactive and international platform for discussions to stimulate awareness and action towards `Climate Change and its Worldwide Impact'. The debate will happen across three rounds (One preliminary and two final rounds), and the topics will all relate to
Global Warming and climate change.
This debate conclave would be on the 22nd and 23rd February 2008 and is open to participation from undergraduate and Post Graduate Students of both International and National Universities. The first round would be a preliminary round where in participants would be shown live examples related to economic issues in our nation. (eg: a pothole on the road, a beggar on the street etc). The participants would be tested on their oratory skills and eliminated accordingly. The second round would be on a two team debating format and topics would be given in advance. The final round would be a decider of individual best debaters.
There would be special prizes that would be given out to the best orator on day one, best team in round two and the best debater in the final round overall.
The preliminary round would be an on the spot extempore on the environmental issues in India, where participants will be handed the topics during a 'Walk The Talk' debate, where they will be shown live situations (eg: a pothole on the road, a beggar on the street etc) and asked to opinionate on a related point. It will be totallyn extempore and no prior preparation time will be provided to the
All the participants will be paired into groups of two and they are to participate in a face off against the other teams (two teams will be pitted against each other). The teams will have one topic (with one team for and the other against) and speakers will alternate from each team. The best 12 individual scorers will move to the final
showdown. Each speaker will have 3 minutes (+1 minute grace) to make his points. A minute rebuttal with one question each allowed from the opposition team will be after all 4 speakers have made finished their debates. No cross questions will be entertained. Each team face off will have a winner who will receive separate recognition and accolades. However, only the best individual scorers will make
it to the next round.
TOPIC ONE: E-waste is a global challenge and it requires global solutions
TOPIC TWO: Bio fuel is the best answer to a greener planet
TOPIC THREE: Ocean Desalination can solve the world's fresh water shortage
TOPIC FOUR: Economic growth at the expense of environmental damage, is justified by the need to feed the rising world population
Extra Topic: Tax incentives should be given for green living
The selected finalists will debate individually on a given topic that will again be handed in advance to all participants. Only the stands will be allotted by a draw an hour before the round. The speakers again will have 3 minutes (+1 minute grace) to make his points. There would be no rebuttal. The best scorer will be the winner of the 'IIPM Global Youth Debate Conclave 2008'!
TOPIC FIVE: Market mechanisms are preferable to regulatory
approaches in reducing carbon emissions
All intrested in participating can request for further details
Name : Ms. Ninfa Chacko
Designation : Tournamament Director
Address : #419, IIPM TOWER, 100 Feet Road
Koramangala, Bangalore 560032, INDIA
Hand Phone : +919886365408
e-mail : ninfa.chacko@gmail.com
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